Sara Falluji
Washington, DC
Senior Advisor
Sara Falluji is an alum from Paul Laurence Dunbar HS in Fayette County, and is currently a Psychology and Political Science double-major in The George Washington University’s class of 2027.
Sara discovered KSVT in the summer before her freshman year through attending a meeting with her sister, and recognized KSVT as an opportunity for both her and others to regain control of their agency as Kentucky students.
In high school, she was a co-editor-in-chief for the Student Voice Forum (the blog preceding The New Edu), and helped to co-create The New Edu, serving as both an editor and contributor. She was also involved with the Get Schooled podcast, and was a co-coordinator and coach for student climate audits, working with several counties in Kentucky. Sara has assisted with KSVT’s research studies, mainly doing quantitative work for the “Coping With COVID: Student Stories Across Kentucky” study. She has also done development work and given presentations for and about KSVT, as well as a smattering of other work within KSVT.
While Sara’s legacy with KSVT is sending amusing chat messages during Zoom calls, she also serves as a senior advisor for KSVT. She hopes to carry the excitement and energy of KSVT always into her belief in the vital importance of student journalism, and her deep support for the larger student movement.
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Articles by
Sara Falluji
Youth Voice, Authorship, & Democracy: Unpacking Media Literacy with Dr. Renee Hobbs