Pragya Upreti

Pragya Upreti



Chapel Hill, NC

Senior Advisor


Pragya Upreti is a senior advisor at the Kentucky Student Voice Team and an undergraduate at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She has led various state and nationwide initiatives centered on race and civic engagement at the state and national levels since she was a sophomore at Lafayette High School in Lexington, Kentucky, and in her capacity as a co-leader of the KSVT.

At UNC, she serves as an executive board member for the Affirmative Action Coalition, helping spearhead the team's most recent project called TransparUNCy, delving into the intricacies of higher education governance through investigative journalism and collective action. She is an undergraduate research assistant at the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina under the Department of Public Policy, where her research analyzes Strategic Staffing for Paid Teacher Residency models in school districts across the country to uncover disparities in education policy and practice, shedding light on factors contributing to low rates of teacher retention and persistent gaps in educational equity.

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Pragya Upreti

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Notable Contributions

Time to Talk Research Report Cover Graphic

Time to Talk: A Qualitative Study of Students' Perspectives on Diversity and Representation in their Classrooms


This report presents findings from a Kentucky Student Voice Team 2024 study into students’ experiences with and perspectives on cultural diversity and racial representation in their classrooms and schools.

A graphic depicting raised hands of various races

Race To Learn


This study distills the results from the 10,725 Kentucky middle and high school students from 114 counties who took our Race, Ethnicity, and School Climate Student Survey.

A large group of students poses for a photo while holding signs with SVT logos and publication graphics

The Co-Creation Generation


We partnered with the Institute for Citizens & Scholars to release a report about intergenerational partnership. The report and tools are meant to help young people and adults build teams that center youth voice to build coalitions and communities.

A graphic depicting nine students on a confernce call grid

Coping with COVID-19


When Kentucky schools shut down due to coronavirus in the spring of 2020, we pivoted our school-level school climate work to design a relevant state-wide research study and recieved nearly 13,000 student responses from all of Kentucky's counties.

group selfie at retreat in lexington

Meet the Students Leading KSVT this Year


Each school year, a new group of high school students lead our team’s work and join the board of directors as previous student members continue to guide and advise as they enter college and careers as senior advisors.

Time to Talk Report Cover Graphic

Kentucky Student Voice Team Releases Report on Racial Diversity & Inclusion in School


Youth-led research expands upon 2022 ‘Race to Learn’ study that gathered over 10,000 Kentucky student survey responses.

Beyond Bathroom Passes: A Conversation With Young Adults About Their Earlier Out-of-School-Time Experiences as Co-Designers of the Kentucky Student Voice Team


Edited excerpts from the transcript of a May 17, 2023 virtual roundtable with our young adult network to reconnect and reflect on the long-term impact of their out-of-school high school experiences with KSVT.

Nearly Half of Kentucky Students Say Schools Need to Do More to Address Racism


KSVT Rallies Youth to Oppose Bills that would Limit Free Discussion in Classrooms


Students in Support of Statewide Mask Mandate to Testify at Legislative Hearing


Student Testimony in Support of KBE Mask Mandate


Kentucky Students Praise Student Free Speech Supreme Court Ruling


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