Anna Marasco-Quibrera

Anna Marasco-Quibrera



Lexington, KY

Senior Advisor & Board Member


Anna Marasco-Quibrera joined KSVT the summer before their senior year of high school. Despite this relatively short amount of time, they became heavily involved with multiple areas of the team. Within the storytelling team, Anna worked closely with Get Schooled, KSVT education podcast. Additionally, following the passing of Senate Bill 150, Anna worked with Rainesford Stauffer to report on the aftermath of the bill. Besides The New Edu and Get Schooled, Anna also worked behind the scenes of the legislative/policy team. As a member of the Bill Tracking Team, Anna worked to track the progress of bills as they moved in and around Frankfort. Anna was also highly involved in the Rose Revival Campaign, which revisits the Rose v. Council for Better Education decision and aims to continue the journey toward securing a quality education for students across the Commonwealth.

Besides KSVT, Anna is passionate about social justice, politics, writing, and their speech and debate team! When they are not pursuing any of these things, they can be found curled up with a cup of coffee and a book.

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Anna Marasco-Quibrera

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group selfie at retreat in lexington

Meet the Students Leading KSVT this Year


Each school year, a new group of high school students lead our team’s work and join the board of directors as previous student members continue to guide and advise as they enter college and careers as senior advisors.

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